A Self-Help Assistance Program – TARIRO
Funding Goal -
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Campaign Story
TARIRO project will increase income for 100 needy women in rural Zimbabwe. These women have no access to banks or jobs. Desperately poor, their options are limited in areas where resources are scarce. When these women learn to form savings groups – they will begin their journey to empower themselves, their families and most importantly, to restore hope – TARIRO.
Tariro educates rural women and collaborate with the women to reconfigure their wealth mindset, teach them to set SMART goals, encouraging them to engage in farming through financing agricultural equipment and resources.
With the knowledge the women acquire, they will remold their communities and pave the way for a better future. The women can then contribute to the family’s income as equal partners and enjoy the respect and benefit this partnership provides. Furthermore, families will have food, medicine, education, and better living standards