by Tinashe Kaseke

  • $72,684.00

    Funding Goal
  • $5.00

    Funds Raised
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Marondera, Zimbabwe

Tinashe Kaseke

204 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

The Abbot Francis Pfanner Children’s home was formally a convent of the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood (Roman Catholic Church). Due to the sisters’ involvement in the community, they saw a rising need to look after orphaned and vulnerable children in Marondera and they opened their convent for the children as a safe haven.

The home, which started with 3 children, has been in existence since 2010. The number has increased to 12 residential children to date: 8 girls and 4 boys though it has also been rendering service to some who pass through the Home for safety awaiting to be taken back to their families and relatives whilst their cases are being dealt with and concluded by the Social Welfare Department. It is a home where children experience growing from being orphaned and vulnerable to being loved and experience the love of God.


➢ Promote the best interest of the child, participation, right to survival and development.
➢ To provide standard of living adequately for physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development of OVCs.
➢ To bring up and build children in the knowledge of God’s word and fear of God.
➢ To create a safe, loving and nurturing environment for orphaned and vulnerable children.
➢ To provide children with essential basics needs.