Luveve Training School for girls

by Tinashe Kaseke

  • $74,300.00

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  • $0.00

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Luveve, Zimbabwe

Tinashe Kaseke

204 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

Luveve Training School for Girls is a rehabilitation institute for young girls in conflict with the law and in need of care. It was certified in 1975 under the department of Social Welfare to receive, maintain, train, and supervise the said categories of girls ranging within the ages of 12-18 years. LTSG is in Luveve, Mzilikazi district, with a capacity of 48 children, currently it has 34 children on roll. They have 5 children in primary doing grade 7 at Percy Ibbotson primary school, 18 in secondary school, 2 at Luveve High school and the bulk at Emakhandeni secondary.


• To rehabilitate children and reduce.

• Capacitate children with life skills.

• Offer parental guidance.

• Provision of basic needs.